Welcome to the Dharan - Dhankuta Road Project web site.
This web site is dedicated to the Dharan - Dhankuta Highway.
It has had a long-standing impact on the local community it serves as
well as the expatriate staff who have contributed to the design,
construction and maintenance of the road. This site has been produced to
record the;
history and context behind the road,
technical details regarding its design and
pictures and stories about the project and the
staff who worked on it,
contact details of staff that worked on the
project, and
information about the 25
year reunion luncheon held in London,
August 2002.
We are currently looking for content to include on
the site. If you have anything that might be of interest please send it
to content@ddrp.co.uk.
Also we would like the site to be a means for
project members to keep in touch with each other. If you would like your
details to be included on the site, please send an email to contacts@ddrp.co.uk and we will
send you a proforma to fill in.